
7 Unique Christmas Presents Your Child Will Never Forget

Buying gifts for your children can be very difficult, and sometimes it makes for a daunting task come Christmas time. While it's important to remember that your children will grow to learn and appreciate whatever you do or buy from them, when they're very young they have a tough time hiding their emotions if you get them something they don't like. So this is why countless parents gets stressed over what to buy their children for Christmas, because some gifts fall completely flat - here's a list of 7 presents that will be memorable and keep the kids cheerful.

1 - A camera: whether you get them a starter's digital camera, or you can afford something a little fancier like an SLR, a it can be the perfect gift for a slightly older child. Not only will they have a blast taking pictures of their family, friends and other toys, they can learn how to express their artistic style, and if they're any good at it, it can develop in to a real passion and a potential career.

2 - Sticking with the arts theme, a set of paints, or some pencils and a sketch book can ignite the artistic side in your young one. If they pick it up in the right way, they'll never stop drawing, painting and sketching for the rest of their lives. They'll always remember that first arts set you bought them all those many Christmases ago. 

3 - A perfect gift for a child can be a musical instrument, any type, whether that's a piano, a guitar or a saxophone; literally anything musical will have a lasting effect. Your little ones will love you for getting them something they can spend the rest of their lives with, not just one day on Christmas, and if they get any good at it they could be the next big pop or rock stars... there's only one way to find out.

4 - A winter holiday or a Christmas break to visit Santa Claus in Lapland will be a unique experience they'll never forget. Let them know they're visiting the home of Santa himself, and they won't stop thanking you for the opportunity. One word of warning though; they'll be expecting something as special as that next year, too.

5 - The latest gaming consoles might seem like an easy option, but if you get your children a games console for Christmas, they won't ever forget it. I still remember Christmas in 1992, when I unwrapped my first ever Gameboy. That experience was fantastic, and the consoles today get even more interesting and diverse the more iterations that are made.

6 - Surprising your son or daughter with a complete refurbishment to their bedroom is a fantastic idea. It is the place they spend a lot of their time. Treating them to a new bed, with lots of space for them to store and play with their new toys, will leave a lasting effect on your little ones.

7 - Of course, dogs aren't just for Christmas, but they are incredible Christmas gifts. Not only will you see them beam with delight at a new puppy, but you'll be teaching your children responsibility to look after others, and they will grow up alongside the new pet.

Richard Christman

Richard is an avid fan of Christmas and enjoys blogging on the subject especially when it's in relation to presents or travel!

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