infants and newborns

How to Handle the 8-Month Sleep Regression Like a Pro

Image Source: Sleeping Child Sane Parent

One of the most challenging aspects of caring for a baby as a parent is navigating their sleep patterns. When you think you've figured out a routine, a sleep regression can throw everything off course. One of the most notorious sleep regressions occurs around age 8, leaving many parents exhausted and frustrated. But fear not! With the right strategies and mindset, you can tackle the 8-month sleep regression like a pro and help your little one get the rest they need to thrive.


Understanding the 8-Month Sleep Regression

The 8-month sleep regression is a developmental phase that many babies go through around 8 months. During this time, your baby's sleep patterns may become disrupted, and they may struggle to settle down for naps and nighttime sleep. This baby's sleep regression is often triggered by major developmental milestones such as crawling, standing, or teething, which can cause discomfort and disruption in your baby's sleep schedule. While it can be a challenging phase for both you and your baby, it is essential to remember that it is temporary and will pass with time.


Signs of the 8-Month Sleep Regression

Several signs may indicate that your baby is experiencing an 8-month sleep regression. Some common signs include increased nighttime waking, difficulty falling asleep, shorter naps, and general fussiness during sleep. Your baby may also become more reliant on sleep associations such as nursing, rocking, or being held to fall asleep, making it harder for them to self-soothe and resettle throughout the night. Recognizing these signs early on can help you address a regression more effectively and support your baby during this challenging phase.


Causes of the 8-Month Sleep Regression


Causes of the 8-Month Sleep Regression

Image Source: Baby Sleep 101

Developmental Milestones:

Crawling and Sitting: Around this age, many babies start to crawl, sit up, or even pull themselves to a standing position. These new skills are exciting but can lead to restless nights as babies practice them in their sleep.


Language Development: Babies begin to understand and sometimes even attempt to form words, which can also lead to more brain activity at night.


Separation Anxiety

Around eight months, babies often develop a stronger attachment to their primary caregivers and may experience anxiety when separated, even at bedtime. This can lead to more frequent night wakings and difficulty settling back to sleep.


Changes in Sleep Patterns

As babies' sleep cycles mature, they experience more frequent, lighter sleep stages, making them more prone to waking up at night.


How long does an 8-month sleep regression last? 

So, you've navigated the challenges of the 4-month sleep regression and emerged victorious, but now you're encountering another one! Don't worry; unlike the 4-month sleep regression, this one is temporary and typically only lasts a few weeks intermittently. A sleep association is something your baby relies on to fall asleep. During this regression, your baby may be harder to settle, making it tempting to pat, rock, or feed them to sleep. However, your baby might start depending on that method in just a few days and need it repeated each time they wake between sleep cycles. In this case, you'll need to gently guide your baby back to self-settling before their sleep can improve.


Tips to Navigate the 8-Month Sleep Regression Like a Pro


Mother is handling baby sleep regression

Image Source: First Cry Parenting

While the 8-month sleep regression can be authoritarian to navigate, there are several strategies you can implement to help your baby through this phase. Here are a few tips that are known to help put your toddler to sleep:


Have a consistent bedtime routine

One critical thing to remember is to establish a consistent bedtime routine that signals to your baby that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep. This can include activities such as a warm bath, gentle rocking, or reading a bedtime story. Creating a calm and soothing environment in your baby's room can also help them relax and get your toddler to sleep easily.


Comfort and Reassurance

Extra comfort and reassurance can help ease your baby's separation anxiety during the 8-month sleep regression. Spending additional time with your baby as they settle down for the night can make a big difference. Sitting beside their crib or gently patting them can provide the reassurance they need. Your presence can help them feel secure and more relaxed, making it easier to drift off to sleep. Introducing a favorite stuffed animal or a soft blanket can also be very comforting. A familiar object nearby can help soothe your baby when they wake up at night and make them feel more secure in their sleeping environment.


Surviving Nighttime Wakings

One of the most challenging aspects of the 8-month sleep regression is dealing with increased nighttime wakings. It can be difficult to stay patient and calm when your baby wakes up frequently throughout the night, but there are ways to cope and help your baby settle back to sleep. Try to soothe your baby with gentle techniques such as shushing, patting, or offering a pacifier without picking them up, if possible. Avoid engaging in stimulating activities or turning on bright lights, as this can disrupt your baby's ability to fall back asleep.


Adjust Naps

Ensuring your baby gets the proper daytime sleep is crucial during the 8-month sleep regression. Properly adjusting nap times can help improve their overall sleep quality. Ensure your baby gets sufficient naps during the day to avoid becoming overtired. An overtired baby can have a more challenging time falling and staying asleep at night, exacerbating the challenges of sleep regression.


Supporting your baby's development

While the 8-month sleep regression can be exhausting for you and your baby, it is essential to remember that it is a natural part of their development. Your baby is growing and learning new skills every day, which can impact their sleep patterns and routines. By supporting your baby's development and providing a safe and nurturing environment, you can help them navigate this phase with confidence and resilience. Remember to celebrate your baby's milestones and achievements, even on the most brutal nights.


Seeking support and guidance

If you are struggling to cope with the 8-month sleep regression, don't hesitate to reach out for support and guidance. Talk to your pediatrician or a sleep consultant for advice and personalized strategies to help your baby through this phase. Connecting with other parents going through similar challenges can also provide comfort and reassurance that you are not alone. Remember that asking for help and seeking professional guidance when needed is okay.



The 8-month sleep regression can be challenging for you and your baby, but with the right strategies and mindset, you can navigate it like a pro. By understanding the signs, implementing healthy sleep habits, and supporting your baby's development, you can help them get the rest they need to thrive. Remember that this phase is temporary and will pass with time, so stay patient, stay consistent, and trust that you and your baby will get through it together.




Can the 8-month sleep regression affect my baby's overall development?

While the 8-month sleep regression can disrupt sleep patterns, it is a normal part of development and does not negatively affect your baby's overall growth and development. It often coincides with important milestones, indicating progress.


Are there any specific techniques to help my baby sleep better during the 8-month sleep regression?

Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, providing comfort and reassurance, practicing new skills during the day, and encouraging self-settling techniques can help your baby sleep better during this regression. Avoid creating new sleep associations that your baby might become dependent on.

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