
Parent's Guide to Dealing with Child Tantrums

You are with your child at the mall when your toddler suddenly sat near your feet because you just told him that he cannot have a new toy. He suddenly shouts and he screams at the top of his lungs which attracts the attention of other shoppers. It is so embarrassing especially with those prying eyes looking at your every move. You try to appease the child but the tantrum goes on and on causing undue anxiety and stress. Is this scenario familiar to you? You are not alone. Parents put up with tantrums and here are some of the ways you can have some control over it.

It is common

Child tantrums are common. This is very common during the age when the child is trying to communicate. Most of the children would be showing tantrums at least once a week. Children use tantrums to demonstrate their frustration to something like wanting to eat or wanting to get a toy that they like. Tantrums are used by young children to get some control over things that have been denied to them. Tantrum can cause a lot of anxiety symptoms to parents. It is a big deal when it becomes regular or has become too intense for comfort. This is the cue for the parents to really nip it in the bud and deal with tantrums effectively. 

It is about the triggers

Hyperactive, moody and intense kids are often the ones that throw a fit more than often. Kids that are yet to adapt to their new environment also have the propensity to voice out their frustration through tantrums. Toddlers use their tantrums to seek attention so that their parents would have an idea that they need something. Tantrums are their way to tell their parents that they really want to have that new toy. Any change in the situation that does not sit well to them can be a cause of tantrum. So if you want to have a more pleasurable life it is best to plan out how you can tell your child or change something without the child invoking their tantrum powers. 

It is about not giving in

The easiest way to really end the tantrum is to give in to their demands. This is a strategy that would work in the short term but it would open a can of worms in the long run. This would hold you as a parent hostage to your child’s every demand because they have found the magic formula to get what they want as long as they throw a fit. Spanking is also not a good idea as it would only make the situation worse. It is best to calm yourself down and take control of the situation. Calmly inform your child that tantrums will get him/her nowhere and tantrums are not actually good. 

It is all about distraction

The good thing about the emotions of the child is that it has a short fuse. It does not last long enough to create any significant trouble. Armed with this knowledge it is best to divert the attention of the child. When the child is about to throw a fit it is best to offer alternatives and find the best way to distract him/her. Humor is the best way to really distract a child. Start a pillow fight, tickle him or tell a funny joke that can help prevent a tantrum from going full-blown. 

It is about reason

When your child is a bit older it is best to teach him alternative ways to communicate. Tell him that throwing a tantrum is not the good way to tell something or to put across the message to deal with their frustration. Remind them that screaming and throwing a fit is not the solution to get your attention. Tell them that screaming will only make the situation worse and it will not solve their problems. 

It is about rest

Make sure that your child is getting enough rest and having sound sleep. Most tantrum fit is rooted to fatigue. Also you need to make sure that the child is properly fed. Some children are just hungry that is why they throw a tantrum. 

As a parent it is important to pick your battles. When it comes to tantrums always choose the lesser evil. If the child wants to finish the show then let him or suffer containing the tantrums that may ensue.  

About the Author: 

Ryan Rivera knows exactly how it feels to be battling against the symptoms of anxiety and stress.  This is why he is sharing a lot of his learned lessons on coping with anxiety through his writings.  Please visit calm clinic account at pinterest for more information.


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