
Online Education for Stay-at-home Mothers

Stay-at-home mums have gained a reputation for bouncing back into the workforce with enthusiasm, along with new skills to show. This is possible because of stay-at-home mums' recent unquenchable drive towards online education. It is a given that stay-at-home mums are expected to get back on their feet as soon as they possibly can, and how!

Online education is a rage today because of the flexibility and freedom it has to offer. Students of all ages can enroll and get reputed degrees without stepping out of their homes at all. Sites like offer peer reviews of online colleges and even specific degrees which makes it easier for prospective online students to scope out online courses.


Opportunity and free time mix brilliantly and many stay-at-home mums throughout the world, especially in the United States, have recently been engaging themselves whenever allowed. It may be during the child's nap time, or during a particularly silent day, they have picked up on the time, looking for avenues to utilize it. Keeping in mind stay-at-home mums' low levels of professional activity while they are away from the workforce, it is only in sound thinking that they have begun to take up professional and/or vocational studies.

There are myriad institutions and educational sites on the World Wide Web that allow for just the exact pick for stay-at-home mums who wish to actively pursue formal education. These entities have been presenting prospecting students with courses ranging from a simple Bachelors, up to the likes of research based Master's degrees in professional or vocational areas of interest, along with other post-graduate level academic certificates.


Multiple educational entities have begun to tap in on this potentially booming market of students – stay-at-home mothers. Even a silent day with children is a tough one. Educational entities are realizing the amount of flexibility that stay-at-home mums need to make for a rewarding educational experience, and thus most online classes have a high toleration of deadline flexibility not only in the submitting of assignments and other projects but also basic ideas like 'attending' online classes with as much freedom as required.

Free Educational Entities

An online education technology company called Coursera has recently been making a splash in the stay-at-home mums' community. The company, launched in the April of 2012, aims at classes that are 'sans frontiers' i.e. where a diverse bunch of everyday citizens can enroll for any of the 'massive open online courses' listed on Coursera's webpage. Unlike most educational entities, Coursera and the type aim at providing education to stay-at-home mums (and others) for free. The site is run by academics and the study material is provided through electronic media. Coursera has been instrumental for making the juggling act of family and education a safer one for young stay-at-home mums.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology has their very own educational site. Named OCW (Open CourseWare), MIT hopes to achieve a universal 'unlocking of knowledge' through the course materials that they have put up on the site. Browsing MIT-OCW does not require advanced knowledge of computers, and the course material itself is self-explanatory. Thus stay-at-home mums should expect no particular hardships while educating themselves online.

A Continuum

Although the courses can be completed from home, the authentic degree handed out to the course completer is considered an indication towards the professional drive of the individual. Education itself is now considered a lifelong endeavor and for stay-at-home mums who do wish to take it up, there are many avenues to explore.

Author Bio

Stephanie Colaco is a freelance writer, editor and former HR professional. An Honors college graduate, she spends her free time helping students/professionals achieve their academic goals by publishing articles and creating blog posts that answer their many questions on sites like  

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