5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Helicopter Parenting
Though helicopter parenting has always carried a negative face in the mass media, recent studies found nothing consistent about damaging effects on kids. Indeed, many research projects suggest that with moderation, positive outcomes result with this parenting when children reach their adult age where they reap significant benefits from what their parents will have been. Helicopter parents help the young feel safe in life, sense responsibility, and be better faced with obstacles as well. Over-involvement limits the independence of a child as well as reduces his or her problem-solving capabilities. In the following blog, we shall take a closer look at five unknown truths about helicopter parenting, besides the advantages and disadvantages of the same.
#1. Who coined the term "Helicopter Parenting?"
The term "helicopter parent" refers to overprotective parents of children who pay close attention to all their activities. The phrase "helicopter parent" was used in 1969 in the book "Between Parent and Teenager." In this book, a teen mentions that his mother hovered over him like a helicopter in the book. It has now become a catch-all phrase for overprotective parents used by many college administrators to describe parents who maintain a close check on their children even after they leave home for college.
Helicopter parents invest much time into their children's activities and education to protect them from pain and disappointment and aid them in achieving success. Helicopter parents peer over into the lives of their children and have an interest in the lives of their children. Though their aim is based on love and concern, this perpetual interference sometimes stands as a roadblock to children learning important survival skills, including independence and resiliency.
#2. Traits of Helicopter Parents
Helicopter parents are worried about everything that happens in their children's lives, from their infant years to adulthood to the extent that their hobbies and interests suffer. This implies that the family budget revolves around what the children require. Similarly, helicopter parents tend to over-schedule their children to give them a competitive edge in everything from school to athletics to music. They may even attempt to regulate their child's social position and connections. The purpose is to provide every chance possible for their kids.
Most helicopter parents are satisfied with their engagement in their children's lives and see no problem with their parenting. They regard their acts as a method to secure their child's safety while also assisting them in being successful in life.
#3. Positive aspects
When it comes to parenting, helicopter parenting is often misconstrued as a negative phrase. The children of helicopter parents are generally punctual, have completed their schoolwork, and are well-prepared for their scheduled activities. The same may be said for helicopter parents, who pay close attention to their children and how they are doing in school. And if their child is having difficulties in school, they will do everything they can to help them out as much as possible.
Those who are helicopter parents are also the first to volunteer for school events and may even join the school's PTA (Parent-Teacher Association). For this reason, the efforts put forward by school administrators, instructors, and coaches may be of use to the students, their families, and the community at large.
#4. Disadvantages of the Helicopter Parenting technique
On the other side, being too involved in a child's life might be detrimental. An overbearing parent might cause children to become bored and disinterested. Here are some of the disadvantages of helicopter parenting:
- Prevents the development of problem-solving abilities: Problem-solving skills are necessary for children of all ages. Whatever their age, youngsters must be capable of handling their problems, whether it's learning to read or finding a job. On the other hand, hovering parents frequently interfere with the first indication of the issues, preventing children from learning crucial problem-solving skills.
- Causes reliance on parents: Parents who hover over their children's every move become their children's sole source of support. Unless a 19-year-old learns to get up and go to school independently, they will never be able to do so. When children are young, they should be taught to live without their parents.
- Prevents children from learning to advocate for themselves: Helicopter parents typically support their children instead of training them to argue for themselves. Children must be able to ask questions, obtain explanations, and speak out when they require assistance. These children do not have their Mom or Dad to assist them in dealing with a difficult supervisor or a problematic policy in the workplace.
- Protects youngsters from the unavoidable repercussions of nature: Children will have to deal with natural consequences at some point. Children will suffer consequences if they don't get help from their parents when they fail. Despite this, most parents hover over their children's activities to ensure nothing unpleasant happens.
- Invades the parent-child relationship: A helicopter parent's behaviours may also disrupt the parent-child bond. Constantly nagging your child to finish their schoolwork or monitoring their every step is unlikely to make them want to talk to you more. It may instead push your youngster away.
#5. Helicopter Parenting Vs. Other types of Parenting
Here's how parents in each parenting style could respond to their child's request to walk to the shop alone.
- Helicopter parenting: "Sure, I'll follow behind you to make sure you stay safe."
- Free-range Parenting: "Sure thing. Could you perhaps pick up some milk while you're there?"
- Lawnmower Parenting: "Sure, I'll walk ahead of you to ensure your safety. I'll let you know when it's safe to cross the street."
- Tiger Parenting: "No, you need to practice your violin for another hour."
Parenting a child is no different than everything else in that no one approach is correct or better than another. Helicopter parenting, like everything else, has its perks and downsides. In addition, certain facets of particular parenting styles will be more effective for specific families and children than others. Before employing the best parenting techniques, parents should weigh the pros and cons of various approaches. When it comes to parenting, ParentalMastery.com is here to help you every step of the way and to help you become the greatest mom or dad you can be.