
Dealing with a Picky Eater Child? Try These 10 Expert Tips

Do you have a picky eater child? Are you struggling to get them to enjoy a variety of foods? Dont worry, youre far from alone! Many parents struggle to get their child to eat a balanced diet. The good news is that there are strategies you can use to help your picky eater child learn to enjoy a variety of foods. In this ultimate guide, well share ten expert tips to help you get your picky eater child to try new foods.


1. Set a Good Example


One of the best ways to encourage your picky eater child to try new foods is to be a good role model. Children are always paying attention to what we do. If youre willing to try new foods, your child may be more likely to do the same. Try to eat a balanced diet and dont be afraid to try different types of foods.

Additionally, make sure to talk positively about the foods youre trying. Dont make negative comments or talk about how you dont like a particular food. This can make your child less likely to try it. Encourage them to try new foods and talk positively about the experience.


2. Involve Your Child in Meal Planning


Mother and daughter cooking together


A great way to get your child to try new foods is to involve them in the meal-planning process. Ask them what types of foods theyd like to try and let them help you pick out recipes. This will make them more likely to try the foods since it was their idea. You can also let them help you prepare the meal. This will make the experience more fun and help them to associate the food with a positive experience.

Another great tip is to let your child pick out their own fruits or vegetables at the grocery store. This will make them feel like they have some control over what theyre eating. Additionally, you can let them pick out their own snacks from the store. Just be sure to keep an eye on the ingredients and make sure theyre healthy choices.


3. Introduce New Foods Gradually


When introducing new foods, its important to do it gradually. Dont try to force your child to try a new food if theyre not ready. Instead, start by introducing them to familiar foods. Then, gradually introduce new foods one at a time.

For example, if your child likes apples, you can start by introducing them to different types of apples. Then, you can introduce them to other types of fruits. Dont be afraid to let them try a small amount of the food first. If they like it, you can offer them a larger portion.


4. Make Mealtime Fun


mother giving food to her son while having fun in the kitchen


Mealtime doesnt have to be boring. There are lots of ways to make mealtimes fun for your child. For example, you can let them pick out their own plate or bowl. This will make them more likely to eat since theyll feel like they have some control over what theyre eating.

You can also make mealtime more interactive. Let your child help you prepare the meal or let them help you set the table. This will make the experience more fun and encourage them to try new foods. Additionally, you can play games while youre eating. This will make the experience more enjoyable and help your child associate eating with something fun.


5. Offer Smaller Portions


When introducing new foods, its important to offer smaller portions. This will make it less intimidating for your child to try the food. Additionally, it will help you gauge their reaction. If they like the food, you can offer them a larger portion next time.

You can also let your child choose how much they would like to eat. This will make them feel like theyre in control of the situation and more likely to try the food. Just be sure to offer them a reasonable portion size.


6. Experiment With Different Textures


Texture can play a huge role in whether or not your child likes a particular food. Some children may not like the texture of certain foods. If this is the case, try to find foods that have a similar flavor but a different texture.

For example, if your child doesnt like the texture of potatoes, you can try mashed potatoes or potato chips. This way, they can still enjoy the flavor of the food without having to deal with the texture. Additionally, you can try adding sauces or dressings to make the food more palatable.


7. Stick to Positive Reinforcement


When dealing with a picky eater child, its important to use positive reinforcement. Dont punish them or force them to eat. This will only make them less likely to try new foods. Instead, focus on praising them for trying new foods and offer rewards for trying new food.

For example, you can offer them a small reward for trying new food. This could be an extra bedtime story or a special treat. Just make sure the reward is small and doesnt involve food. This will help them to associate trying new foods with something positive.


8. Get Creative With Presentation


Kids food plate beautifully decorated


The presentation can play a huge role in whether or not your child likes a particular food. If your child isnt interested in a particular food, try to get creative with the presentation. For example, you can try cutting the food into different shapes or adding a sauce or dip. This can make the food more appealing and encourage your child to try it.

Additionally, you can let your child help you prepare the food. This will make them more likely to eat it since they had a hand in making it. Just be sure to use healthy ingredients and keep an eye on the portion size.


9. Dont Give Up


Its important to remember that it can take time for your child to get used to a new food. Dont give up if they dont like it the first time. Instead, offer it to them again a few days later.

Its also important to be consistent. Dont give up if they dont like a particular food. Instead, keep offering it to them. Eventually, they may come around. Just be sure to offer them healthy options and offer them in moderation.


10. Get Professional Help


If youre struggling to get your picky eater child to try new foods, it may be time to get professional help. A dietitian or nutritionist can help you come up with strategies to get your child to try new foods. They can also help you come up with healthy and delicious recipes. Additionally, a therapist can help you and your child work through any underlying issues that may be preventing them from trying new foods.




Dealing with a picky eater child can be a challenging task for many parents, but with the right strategies, it is possible to help them develop a more diverse palate. By setting a good example, involving your child in meal planning, introducing new foods gradually, making mealtime fun, offering smaller portions, experimenting with different textures, using positive reinforcement, getting creative with presentation, and being persistent, you can encourage your child to try new foods and expand their food preferences. Remember, it's a process that requires patience and consistency. If you find yourself struggling, don't hesitate to seek professional help from a dietitian, nutritionist, or therapist who can provide guidance and support. With these expert tips and a proactive approach, you can navigate the challenges of picky eating and help your child develop healthy eating habits for life.

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