8 Tips To Create A Strong Sibling Bond In Your Kids
When you have kids that are in different age groups, it’s easy to assume that they won’t have as much in common as children who are closer in age. But even though your older child may be preoccupied with their new high school friends and your younger child may look at them like a giant, talking mouse, there is still so much that these kids have in common. Whether you have an only child or multiple kids, it’s important to help build a strong sibling bond with all of your children. Siblings can be great friends and support during challenging times. They also provide each other with a built-in best friend, someone who understands what it’s like to be the kid of the house.
1. Create a safe place for your kids to talk
As kids, we want to feel like we can come to our parents to talk about anything. But as they grow up, they may feel like they can’t be themselves around you. This is when sibling relationships are so important. Kids can come to each other with anything, from a fight with a friend to a crush on a classmate. When they’re younger, you can help encourage this bond by being open to your kids and talking to each other about anything.
As your children grow, you can help them build a relationship with each other by listening to them when they want to talk. Don’t just shut down a conversation because it doesn’t pertain to you. Be an active listener, not only for what they’re saying but also how they’re saying it. The tone in which they’re speaking can reveal even more than the words they’re using.
2. Parties and sleepovers with friends can be great!
As your kids grow and invite friends over, you might find yourself worrying about how they’ll get along with each other. You may even feel like you have to be present the entire time to keep the peace. While this may be necessary the first few times you let another kid into your home, it’s important to let your kids find their own way. Not only will this let them build a stronger sibling bond and grow more independent, but it will also give them time to take a breather.
This doesn’t mean you completely abandon your parental duties and become a hermit, but it does mean you give yourself some space and time to recharge. If you find that your kids don’t get along or one of them is being bullied by a friend, talk to them. Let them know that you want to know what’s going on so that you can help.
3. Don’t forget to celebrate the small victories
While it’s important to celebrate the big moments in your children’s lives, don’t forget to celebrate the small victories. For example, your child’s first soccer goal or your daughter landing her first solo part in the school play. These may seem small, but they’re important to your kids as they build their self-confidence and start to understand what they’re good at.
These small victories are a great way to encourage your kids to celebrate their sibling bond. You can do this by celebrating with your child and not just their special friend. If your child gets a special award or recognition, let your other child know that it’s great news.
4. Be mindful of the moments you can build upon
As your kids grow, you may notice that there are instances where one child really has something in common with the other. These moments can include your son being more talkative and outgoing than his sister because he’s a boy or your daughter liking music that your son listens to because they’re musicians. These are all moments that you can build upon to help your kids grow closer.
You can help your kids see that even though they’re different, they have things in common. If your son loves basketball, you can talk to your daughter about how she likes to play, too. You can help your daughter find a way to connect with her brother by talking about his favorite bands and letting him know that she listens to the same music.
5. Set boundaries for behavior and help your child feel included
As your kids grow, they’ll begin to notice the differences between themselves and other kids. This can be a great way to help them feel empowered and confident in who they are. But it can also cause them to feel like they’re not part of their sibling group. This is something you can help avoid and fix as it arises by letting your child know that you acknowledge and celebrate their differences. If your child is feeling left out, talk to them about why they’re not included in their sibling’s activities. Let them know that you want to help them feel involved with their brother or sister.
6. Celebrate the differences in your children
As you help your kids celebrate their differences, be mindful of celebrating what makes each child unique. This means that you don’t just say, “You’re different than your brother.” Instead, you say, “You like different things than your brother, and that’s okay.” Although your kids can help each other feel included and celebrate their uniqueness, they can also help each other grow. As your kids get older and become more independent, they can help each other with school and extracurricular activities. This can be a great way to help your children get involved in things they’re interested in and can also help them feel included by each other.
7. Encourage helping behavior
If your kids are old enough to understand that they can help each other out, encourage them to do so. As your kids get older and are busy with school and extracurricular activities, they’ll likely have little time to spend together. This can make it difficult for them to find time to help each other. You can help encourage this behavior by helping your kids find ways to help each other.
If your son is struggling to finish his homework and your daughter has time to complete her own, have her help her brother. Suppose your daughter has time to help her brother with his homework, have her do so. This will not only help your kids feel like they’re a team, but it will also help them feel like they’re important to each other and that they’re helping each other succeed.
8. Encourage shared hobbies, activities, and interests
As your kids get older and are more interested in finding their own identity, you can help them find ways to do this while still staying connected to their siblings. For example, if your child is interested in music, you might buy them both a guitar and let them form their own band. If they are really into art, they can go to the museum and sketch the paintings. Or, if they are more interested in theater, you might take them to an open mic night or let them act out a skit with friends.
You can also help them find ways to stay connected by setting aside time each week when they can spend time with their sibling. This can be done through games, activities, or talking. When you are setting aside this time, you can also encourage them to talk about things that they are passionate about. Whether it’s skateboarding or football or your kids have a common interest like music or art, they can use it to help them stay connected.
Having strong relationships with siblings is an important part of growing up. Siblings help us learn about ourselves and develop critical social skills that serve us well into adulthood. While some kids naturally have a stronger connection with their brothers or sisters than others, anyone can work to strengthen the bond between siblings in their family. Building positive relationships with brothers and sisters is not always easy. However, with conscious effort and thoughtful strategies, you can create a stronger sibling bond in your own home. Visit Parentalmastery.com to learn everything you need to know about your parental journey.